Battery Charger Meltdown Part 3
Update on Battery Charger Meltdown Part 1 & Part 2 &
Part 4
I mentioned yesterday that Amazon completed an investigation and concluded that the La Crosse BC-9009 “is safe if used as intended and has been reinstated for purchase.”
I wrote this reply back to Anthony Dunkley, the Amazon Customer Service Executive: (note – I corrected two typos)
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for the reply. I just can’t understand how you can consider this item safe when on an almost daily basis there are new user reports stating their unit overheated and melted.
Here is the latest one:
I can assure you that I was using the item as intended and at only 55% of the maximum charge capacity and still experienced a dangerous meltdown.
Can I ask you if you would feel safe with one of these defective chargers in your home knowing that they are a fire hazard? Amazon has a responsibility to keep defective products off the marketplace and do a proper investigation if there are concerns. I cannot feel satisfied with this matter considering how quickly the review was done and that your own customers who have had meltdowns were not contacted.
I am forwarding this matter to several national media outlets in the hopes that you give it proper attention.
Shawn Lam
Well this morning I was pleasantly surprised to see that the La Crosse BC-9009 is once again an “item under review”.
Glad to see you take action to make things happen, instead of just returning your unit to get your cash back. Way to go!
The number of people claiming to have the main charger melt down is definitely disturbing and NOT spurious.
I received one of these as a gift for Christmas and so far mine hasn’t melted, but you can bet I’ll be using it as much as possible in the first 30 days (during which time I could return it for full refund) and that I’ve been using it on a glass trivet/plate thingy where it couldn’t set anything else on fire.