Video Production Articles in EventDV Magazine
Even before meeting EventDV Magazine editor-in-chief Stephen Nathans-Kelly at the Video ’07 convention, I had been a big fan of the magazine – the self proclaimed “Authority for Event Videographers”. I had read every magazine since the launch and talked openly about one day wanting to write for the magazine. I attended the convention as a speaker spoke on Dance Recital Video Production Strategies. I noticed Steve in my audience taking notes and after my talk I was hoping to speak with him. To my pleasant surprise he was approaching me and before I new it I was the newest member of the EventDV team, responsible for the Stage to Screen column.
Steve was kind enough to include a mention of my seminar in his next column, Jacksonville Skyline: The 4EVER Group’s Video ’07.
My first article was The Art of Business, or the Business of Art and appeared in the April 2007 edition.
Since then I contributed over 20 articles under the In The Studio column, In The Field column, Continuing Education column, and my own column, Stage to Screen.
Follow this link for a complete listing of my EventDV columns.