Monday April 11, 2011 – Las Vegas, NV

Today Adobe announced a updates to much of their Creative Suite, including Production Premium, with CS5.5. So while many news sites are simply listing off the highlights from Adobe’s Press Release, I just published the first comprehensive review of Production Premium CS5.5, including Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5, on EventDV.

Premiere Pro CS5.5

Adobe Production Premium CS5.5

Overall I’m very pleased with CS5.5. Despite its .5 name, Premiere Pro received a full update and my tests show that CS5.5 is faster than CS5 (see my CS5 review here) when enabling GPU acceleration while using an approved NVIDIA Cuda card.

In my After Effects CS5.5 review, I tested the Warp Stabilizer and Camera Blur feature. You can watch the After Effects Cs5.5 Warp Stabilizer video here.

2 replies
  1. Michael Ramsden says:

    Re: supported Nvidia cards..

    Great review: sounds like a worthwhile upgrade ..

    There are other Nvidia cards that work quite well: there was a widely reported “hack” that allows other, “non-official” cards to work, as noted here:

    I use a GTX 480 in CS5 to great effect.

    The only difference between official and not is the extend of testing, according to posts on the PremPro forum at Adobe. They can’t test EVERY card … (so they say.)

  2. finalcutcoach says:

    As you can see by me very name, I’m a final cut user at heart. But as I’m sure you’re already aware, my favourite software is destined to become legacy on January 12/2012. I’m not yet a fan of FCP-X as many professional editors attest so like others I’m learning PremierPro (just in case).
    As for FCP-7 I’m going to the Witz Education program in Vancouver and thought you might want to tell your readers about the Adobe Certified PremierPro course being offered in October. Here’s a link to the info…

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