Shawn Lam Video wins Emerald Artistic Achievement Award

Maybe I had a little extra inspiration on April Fools Day back in 2006. It was the day after I proposed to my wife (and she accepted) and I was filming a live concert with singer Lori Paul. After all the editing was done and we launched the concert DVD – Songs from Spider Lodge, I decided to enter the video in the 4EVER Group’s Artistic Achievement Awards competition.

That was July 2006. Jump forward to January 2007 and the annual awards gala was being held in Orlando, Florida. I was unable to attend but received the good news via an email from EventDV editor-in-chief, Stephen Nathans-Kelly, who was reporting on the event. My award was the Emerald Artistic Achievement Award in the Stage Event Production Segment.

Here are a few news articles about my award:

Coquitlam Now – January 23, 2008
Coquitlam video producer wins international award on first try

Coquitlam Now – January 25, 2008
First time lucky for Lam’s video

Watch a seletion from Shawn Lam Video’s award winning video production of Lori Paul’s Songs from Spider Lodge. The song is Deloraine