Welcome to my video production blog


Well I’ve know about blogs (weblogs) for a while now and figured it was about time I started my own blog. A few of my friends in the video industry have their own blogs so I’m going to start by giving props to them as I admire what they are doing for the video industry as a whole:

Laura and Chris Randall – Edit1Media
Ron and Tasra Dawson – Cinematic Studios
Steve & Laura Moses Vantage Point Productions

I started by video production company back in 2001 and in order to grow my business I decided I would surround myself by the video industry’s best with the hopes that some of their success would rub off on me. Here are just of few of the resources I take advantage of:

BC Professional Videographers Association (BCPVA) – I am currently serving my 4th 5th (2009 update) term as President.

Wedding and Event Videographers Association (WEVA) – I am a member, attend their annual Video Expo Conventions in Las Vegas, have taught seminars on 3 occasions, and received my Merited Professional Videographer’s Accreditation (MPV) through them.


EventDV Magazine – I have been reading this magazine since it launched and have been a monthly columnist and contributing editor since April 2007.